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Arnhem: A Debt

of Dishonour


Arnhem DVD


A Debt of Dishonour is a unique documentary film dedicated Major General Sosabowski and all ranks who served in the 1st Polish Independent Parachute Brigade Group and to their Comrades-in-Arms of the 1st British Airborne Division that fought in the ill-fated “Operation Market Garden” at Arnhem and Driel during September 1944.

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Polish Forces in WWII

The Perfect

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Two exclusive presentations of Chopin: An Augmented Experience performed by Alexander Ardakov
and Masayuki Tayama.

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Two exclusive presentations of

Chopin: An Augmented Experience

performed by Alexander Ardakov and Masayuki Tayama.


CHopin Double CD Chopin 1GB USB Drive

Nocturne Op.48 No.1
Nocturne Op.48 No.2
Nocturne Op.9 No.1
Nocturne Op.27 No.2
Nocturne Op.2 No.2
Barcarole Op.60
Impromptu Op.29 No.1
Impromptu Op.51 No.3
Fantasie-Impromptu Op.66
Scherzo Op.31 No.2
Nocturne Op.32 No.1
Etude Op.10 No.12,

Ballade Op.23 No.1
Ballade Op.38 No.2
Ballade Op.47 No.3   
Ballade Op.52 No.4
Polonaise-Fantasy in A flat major
Polonaise in A major Op. 40 No.1,

Polonaise in F sharp minor Op.44
Polonaise in A flat major Op.53,

Performing Artists
Alexander Ardakov
Masayuki Tayama

1GB USB Drive MP3
Nocturne Op.48 No.1
Nocturne Op.48 No.2
Nocturne Op.9 No.1
Nocturne Op.27 No.2
Nocturne Op.2 No.2
Barcarole Op.60
Impromptu Op.29 No.1
Impromptu Op.51 No.3
Fantasie-Impromptu Op.66
Scherzo Op.31 No.2
Nocturne Op.32 No.1
Etude Op.10 No.12, “Revolutionary”

Performing Artists
Alexander Ardakov
Masayuki Tayama



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Etude Op.10 No.12, “Revolutionary” performed by Masayuki Tayama

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 To order Chopin: An Augmented Experience


icon Chopin Double CD Order Form

icon Chopin 1GB USB Drive Order Form