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Arnhem: A Debt

of Dishonour


Arnhem DVD


A Debt of Dishonour is a unique documentary film dedicated Major General Sosabowski and all ranks who served in the 1st Polish Independent Parachute Brigade Group and to their Comrades-in-Arms of the 1st British Airborne Division that fought in the ill-fated “Operation Market Garden” at Arnhem and Driel during September 1944.

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Polish Forces in WWII

The Perfect

Chopin Gift!



Two exclusive presentations of Chopin: An Augmented Experience performed by Alexander Ardakov
and Masayuki Tayama.

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First to Fight - Audio Book


FIRST TO FIGHT: Poland's Contribution to the Allied Victory in WWII

A perfect compliment to the First to Fight book and DVD, this new, professionally produced Audio Book contains over 7 hours of beautifully moving narration of each of the printed book chapters. The First to Fight Audio Book is narrated by:

HRH The Duke of Kent
Stephen Fry

Rula Lenska

Jarek Garlinski

Dr. Marek Stella-Sawicki

Wlodek Lesiecki

Phyllida Law

Teresa Stella-Sawicka

An unforgettable total running time of over 7 hours!

Price £15.95 + p&p
ISBN: 978-0956 467 522


Buy the Audio Book—Download Order Form (PDF)


Click the 'play [›] arrow' below for an audio sample of the Introduction to First to Fight by Winston S. Churchill narrated by Stephen Fry.


Stephen Fry

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