Polish War contributions To: letters.editor (at)
Dear Sir
I am writing in response to the article (May 15, 2010) from Stanislaw Nawarski with reference to the shoddy way we British treated the Poles after they fought so valiantly on our side during the war. Considering the war began in response to the invasion of Poland, it is ironic that when the dust settled we gave Poland to Russia. The fact that the Polish military members were barred from participation in the Victory Parade at the request of Stalin is a hurt that still rankles, with Mr. Nawarski and with many other veterans. They fought side by side with the allies and then became displaced persons. Perhaps they did not win a victory after all, and the parade might have turned to ashes in their mouths.
My stepfather is a Polish Army veteran, now 99 years old, living in North Carolina. He has spent his life being angry about this! But now, there is a Polish Armed Forces Memorial at the National Arboretum in Staffordshire. We stumbled upon this fact on the internet, and were able to purchase a DVD of the unveiling ceremony in September 2009, and a book (First to Fight) about the Polish contribution to the war effort. At last! I do hope that Mr Nawarski knows about this. I don't know if he would still feel the old resentments, but it has lightened the mood around here! Our Polish veteran friends, few and far between these days, sat in tears watching this DVD and were able to say "All is forgiven." What a blessing. I feel so happy that my Dad lived long enough to see this, and sorry that so many did not.
The book and DVD were created by the leader of the effort to create the Polish Armed Forces memorial, Dr. Marek Stella-Sawicki and are available for purchase through
Perhaps Dr Stella-Sawicki or others involved with the Memorial will have written to you also. I just want to be sure that Mr Nawarski knows about it.
Sincerely yours
Rosemarie Belcher